Saturday, February 25, 2012

Road Ragin' Truckers

OK - if you've ever driven in a hilly area or in the mountains, you've run into this situation - you're on a long uphill climb, and you pass a slower-moving semi.  (An aside - I set my cruise 3-mph over the speed limit as a rule, knowing that a cop will never pull me over for that, but I feel like I'm getting away with something.  I know - pretty juvenile).  Anyway, you crest the hill and, as you continue to travel at your consistent speed, the truck you just passed picks up speed and repasses you.

The next uphill, you pass him.  The next downhill, he passes you.  Ad nauseum and usually just annoying.

However, while on the road this week, I passed an asshat on an uphill, pulled back in, and it so happened that a long line of traffic had caught up with us as we crested the hill.  So when he wanted to play catchup on his average speed, there was no room to for him to pull out and pass me.  So he pulls right up on my bumper - so close that all I can see is grill and headlight; I can't even see his front bumper.  Then he turns on his high beams. Then he hits me with a horn blast.  To which I reset my cruise to 1 mph BELOW the speed limit.

Then we hit the next uphill and he drops off as usual.  Having proven my point, I got off at the next exit for a bio-break and recaffeinate.......

(As an aside for all you truckers out there - don't be sold on just horsepower.  Make sure your transmission creates proper torque and is geared properly, and you won't have to worry about playing this game.  You can set your cruise control and never have to shift on anything but the most mountainous terrain.  This is a fact, and saves fuel - which puts more money in your pocket).

Thinking he was long gone and I was good to go, I pulled back onto the highway.  A different 18-wheeler is nice enough to pull into the left lane to allow me to get onto the highway.  I pull on and end up near his rear trailer axle.  He is doing a few MPH under the speed limit, and I am still coming up to speed.  Almost immediately, he turns on his turn signal to move back over, I think expecting that I should slow to allow that.  Well, no, I continue to my normal 3 MPH over the limit, and ultimately pass him.  As soon as I do, HE lets out a blast with his horn.

Which earned him a return honk, and the proper salute and I went on my way.

Proper road etiquette allows my doing just that, and he was out of line.  Jerkweed.

When I put that sign in my window that says "Blow Me", it doesn't mean to honk..............

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