Wednesday, January 25, 2012

Navigating on the road

Well, I've been traveling for a while.  And navigating as you go has evolved.

When I was young (that was a long time ago), you navigated with paper maps or by memory.  If you were a member of an Automobile Association, and planned far enough ahead, then you might be able to get a "turn-by-turn" map made for you.

Then mapping tools, both online and available for purchase for your computer, became available.  With this advancement, you could pre-plan your trip and print out your route ahead of time.  Of course, if you needed to go off-route, you still needed to have and know how to use a traditional paper map.

Then GPS came along.  This has been a godsend for folks like me.  While you still pre-plan, that actual navigation is *generally* pretty straightforward.  Except when you run into situations like this:

These "flyovers" apparently efficiently move traffic.  But the entries to the various ramps are not intuitive and confuse the h__l out of GPS units.  Over the weekend, I went the wrong direction twice, and ended up stopped in a highway Y trying to figure out how to blend back into traffic.

Give me a lonely back road to this carp any day.............

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